πŸ“œ The First Amendment and the refusal to salute the American flag 🫑 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. #firstamendement #shorts

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πŸŽ₯πŸ“œ Did you know? The First Amendment wasn't always the first. Originally planned as the third, it took the spotlight when the first two didn't make the cut. But wait, there's more! The very first Supreme Court ruling on freedom of speech involved 8- and 11-year-olds! Prepare to be amazed as we unravel this captivating tale of history.

Ready to dive deeper into these surprising stories? Keep an eye out for our Constitution 101 course launching on September 17, 2024, thanks to our partnership with the National Constitution Center!

P.S. Teachers, this is just a glimpse of our upcoming Constitution 101 course. Learn more about our course and explore the principles that shaped the presidency, landmark decisions, and how these historic choices impact our lives every day! Learn more (add link OR by clicking the link in the bio!)
Note: All Khan Academy content is available for free at (www.khanacademy.org)